



Last week the Mission Critical team issued their 100th Weekly Briefing.

Every Sunday, every week for just under 2 years we’ve collected, curated, and commented on the week’s news. Our mission, to provide an insightful, stretching, and actionable summary of everything our subscribers need to know.

Devoid of algorithms every edition is based on a careful review of what’s relevant and which take is the sharpest. Stories come and go throughout the week until Sunday morning when we make a final decision.

We’ve reviewed 100 books, and read double that - not all make the cut. Our ‘Off Duty’ section has morphed from a bar & restaurant review section to a variety of pursuits more suited to a pandemic ‘clipping of wings’ - although we look forward to being more mobile soon. But ultimately our original proposition is unchanged.

Here’s a scroll of the Weekly Briefing;

To celebrate our milestone you can access this week’s briefing and every one of our previous editions by clicking here and using this week’s password: room101

The Weekly Briefing is our premium offering and is aimed at an intimate readership - that allows us to understand every subscriber and their interests. You can check out pricing and how to subscribe here.

We have 2 other offerings.

THE DAILY, which is entirely complementary, is issued at 0700hrs (UK time) every weekday morning. Short and sharp, it’s a convenient way of digesting the essentials over your first cup of coffee, You can sign up for the email here.

THE SITUATION ROOM is our newest resource. A ‘members-only’ portal it’s regularly updated (3 -5 pieces of content with POV per day) with a marketing, business, and thought-leadership focus. It is one chronological scroll to make things easy to find and consume when it’s convenient. When it’s a particularly critical update we will email you. For the cost of a couple of cups a coffee a week it’s a great addition to your mission. You can sign up here.

Finally, thanks to all of our subscribers and supporters - we enjoy being part of your mission.


Founder and Editor

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