

Mission Critical - An Update

Mission Critical - An Update

Back in February, when Mission Critical was first launched, the objective was to deliver, once a week, every week, a highly curated briefing to subscribers who were time poor and intelligence hungry.

Eleven Weekly Briefings later we continue to deliver on that promise.

Feedback has been positive, readership is consistent and trials are converting into subscriptions. But beyond the business fundamentals every week we experience the joy of;

  • reading

  • asking

  • listening

  • observing

  • collecting

  • discarding

  • deciding

  • curating

  • writing

and finally sending a clear and concise briefing on a Sunday to help prepare our subscribers for the week ahead.

At a time of information overflow we have the privilege of knowing every one of our readers, they sit on our shoulders as we make the critical decisions on what to include and, even more importantly, what to exclude. Our aim is to not just cover what’s current right now but also to include outlier information.

Donald Rumsfeld nailed it when he said: “There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know.”

At Mission Critical we seek to help reduce the “known unknowns” and help uncover the “unknown unknowns”!

Our weekly work involves a lot of media consumption, both mainstream and eclectic. Reading a book a week - one of our favourite tasks. And as many new experiences and conversations as the schedule will permit and lots of travel (our readership spans 6 continents, we are working on the 7th).

Travel is key to changing perspective and to be exposed to as many different opinions and stimuli.

Our essentials;

  • A Pond Mobile plan that allows unlimited calls and data on every corner of the globe - we consume a lot of data and in places where the usual plans don’t work. Wherever we are the Weekly Briefing needs to go out.

  • A lot of newspaper, periodical and thought leadership subscriptions.

  • A passport and some financial resource to make things happen.

  • A Regus hot desking subscription so we can be in over 3,000 places - just not at once.

  • Objectivity and consumer insight.

Finally a bit of time and space. Our book choice is made on a Monday, on Wednesday we will have selected our long reads and future focus items, by Thursday we know who our Person of Interest will be, we will decide on our bar or restaurant choice on Friday and then early on Sunday morning we make the final content decisions and write the entire briefing.

The satisfaction of pressing send on the alert email and new password lasts a few hours and then we begin the cycle again.

Once a week, every week.

If it’s critical to your mission it will be in Mission Critical.

If you are interested in subscribing please visit here or email

Satisfied with 'Satisfaction' ?

Satisfied with 'Satisfaction' ?

