

Forget “Lockdown”, DOUBLE DOWN

Forget “Lockdown”, DOUBLE DOWN

You can almost smell October and with the onset of fall there can be no denying that we are in Q4 and that 2020 is rapidly coming to an end. It’s tempting to write 2020 off but that’s wrong for a couple of reasons;

  • you still have 25% of the year to make a difference

  • many of the challenges we face now are still going to be with us in 2021.

So here are the 10 thoughts about approaching the next few weeks.

(1) Focus on the things you have control over - stop obsessing over the news. Stay informed but don’t let it result in procrastination on your part.

(2) Have 1 top priority a day - having more than 1 means it is not a “top priority”, never finish the day without delivering on it. Stick to that and, at the very least, you’ll have achieved 100 significant things before the end of the year.

(3) Re-evaluate your plan for Q4 - if things are absolutely on track then you’re lucky. Don’t live with a plan which is no longer credible. You’ll just fail to deliver and depress yourself in the process. Write down your revised Q4 plan and remind yourself of it every day.

(4) Think of 2020 Q4 as 2021 Q0 - the cheesy stock image that accompanies this piece couldn’t be further from the truth. The move from Q4 to Q1 should be seamless. If you have 2021 objectives see if you can pull some of them into Q4, or at least make sure that, over the next few months, you have set everything up to ensure that Q1 starts with maximum velocity.

(5) Learn lessons now - take an hour or two to reflect on what has worked this year (filter out the macro factors - or you’ll just use COVID-19 as a catch-all excuse). Often we forget about the successes. Remember and repeat.

(6) Reconnect - every day contact 2 - 3 people in your network who you’ve not spoken to recently. Find a reason to get in touch. It has been all too easy to retrench into our immediate circles. Push out your reach.

(7) Face-to-face - where you get the opportunity (guidelines permitting) to meet someone then follow through. I have not left a single encounter with a friend, colleague, business contact without a number of actionable ideas and I am certain they felt the same. We are a social species and, no matter how good the technology alternative, being in someone’s company will always spark ideas.

(8) Do one significant new thing for each of the next 3 months - take an idea, work it up and start it now. There is nothing to be gained from waiting.

(9) Keep mentoring - colleagues, contacts, friends. Make space in your diary to help others - and be ready to be mentored back !

(10) Take time to learn - keep reading, watching, listening and learning. Carve out time each day to stay informed.

These are my quick thoughts. We have everything to play for. 2020 is not over yet and nor are the opportunities.

On a broader point if you want to read 101 helpful tips then click on the link below and you can order my book.

Good luck.


Mark Izatt is a brand consultant living in London and founder of Mission Critical, a highly focused and curated weekly briefing for time poor and information hungry decision makers and THE FIRST, a monthly briefing containing 31 inspirational insights. Mission Critical is a digital product delivered via his Estonian Consultancy business.

You can email Mark here and read about his recently published book ‘Mission Critical - 101 tips to survive and thrive at work in the office, on the move and at home’.

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