

Razor burn

Razor burn

Leaving the pharmacist after an optician’s appointment at the weekend a Gillette retail display unit caught my eye. I’ve written about the shaving category before and, nearly exclusively use Gillette products.

To say I did a double take would be an understatement - I was flabbergasted, I had read nothing about this piece of product development and I also had no awareness of ‘Gillette Labs’.

In other words I was unprepared for a 199.99 GBP product from a disposable razor company.

Once I collected my thoughts I made an effort to think what needs this piece of ‘innovation’ was addressing. I got to two;

  • a better shaving experience for the consumer

  • an attempt to elevate the brand.

I reached no real conclusion and forgot about it all until today, Wednesday.

So a quick glance at the launch press release (6th August for the UK release) and there is the UK brand manager, Matt Thomas, explains that this new product “elevate(s) the shaving experience”.

My initial thinking was not far off. But I just think it is a very flawed and misguided mission. Shaving probably falls into two categories - a necessary chore which needs to be done every morning with a minimum of fuss and, at the other extreme, a luxuriant shave in a barber shop once in a while. Basically this seems to fall between two stools. And it’s not at a price point where you are going to try it speculatively.

So perhaps my second theory is closer to the mark. The media release suggests that - it was, after all, launched in the Smartech franchise within Selfridges - so tech and contemporary luxury.

Gilette wouldn’t be the first brand to do something expensive and niche to throw a halo around the volume part of this business and, let’s be honest, there is only so many blades you can add to the core razor. In my lifetime we have gone from 1 blade to 5 in half-decade increments.

But I fear that the leap is too much. This doesn’t feel aspirational just silly. No matter how high-tech it is, shaving is largely a very ‘analogue’ experience and this innovation feels like a massive disconnect. A bit like those Bang & Olufsen CD players in the 1990’s which you never actually witnessed being used.

I predict massive price slashing by the holiday season - then it might be worth a speculative purchase but best stock up on those spare blades too - I reckon this will be more of a collectors item sooner, rather than later. Or an exhibit in the ‘End of Days’ exhibition.

Using a halo to build equity and drive awareness is always a good idea but it has to be rooted in reality. Proceed with caution if you are doing this.

M&S - Expectations, Environment and Experience

M&S - Expectations, Environment and Experience

British Airways - good at past and future,just not the here and now

British Airways - good at past and future,just not the here and now