

Meeting Rooms Trump Chat Rooms Every Time - This Is But A Blip

Meeting Rooms Trump Chat Rooms Every Time - This Is But A Blip

I remember stepping on my first flight at Newark airport a few weeks after 9/11. The company I worked for in NYC had a travel ban which lasted for months but I was under a different contract so got back into the saddle as quickly as I could.

I cleaned up in terms of new business, building stronger relationships and moving personal and business brands forward.

Why is that relevant now ? Well at that time the immediate and prevailing view was that our way of doing business, our desire to travel would never be the same again.

It was wrong, thankfully and such pronouncements are just as wrong now.

What we are facing with COVID-19 is a blip, albeit one which impacts some of the most vulnerable in our society. It requires cool and calm management to look after the most at risk and allow the rest of us to continue with the things that help to makes things better.

The challenge has to be answered with a temporary change in behavior but it is only temporary. Business meetings, conferences, training sessions don’t happen because of some passive conspiracy - they happen because we are a social species. We like to meet, learn and expand our horizons.

Our businesses and our friendships don’t stop at the border - we may have our wings clipped for a short while but we will all be back flying more and further. That’s called progress.

Last year we all learnt a new word courtesy of the Swedish and the environmental ‘movement’ “flygskam” - flight shame - in a few months let’s hope flying will be a source of pride. Getting the world turning again.

In the meantime we have to hope our airlines and travel industries are resilient, that our broadband connections are strong (for there are still things to learn and business to do) and that this storm passes as quickly and with as few casualties as possible.

PS Wash your hands !

About The Author

Mark Izatt is a brand consultant living in London and founder of Mission Critical, a highly focused and curated weekly briefing for time poor and information hungry decision makers and THE FIRST, a monthly briefing containing 31 inspirational insights. Mission Critical is a digital product delivered via his Estonian Consultancy business.



The Rules of Contagion

The Rules of Contagion