

My Top Ten Travel ‘Always’

My Top Ten Travel ‘Always’

If you are reading this you’re probably an accomplished traveller with your own ‘musts’ but over the holidays I got thinking about my travel essentials so here is my list. I hope you find it useful. No lectures on how to secure the best seats you already know all that !

1 - Always Dress Smartly On Travel Days

There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, who wants to travel like a slob and who wants to be surrounded by slobs - make an effort, you’re about to be in a relatively confined environment for a long period of time. Look nice. Also what’s an airport if it isn’t a collection of fashion catwalks ? But seriously this approach also makes sense from a packing perspective - shoes take up more room than sneakers as do jackets. You also travel knowing you have at least one decent outfit should anything happen to your checked bags and, if you need to go straight from airport to a meeting you’re ready.

2 - Always Have All Your Reservations Printed Out

Embrace technology but have a back-up. It’s way faster to hand over a piece of paper that you’ve got folded in your pocket or in your bag than hold up a line as you scroll through emails and, let’s be honest, it feels a lot less stressful handing over that piece of paper than your ‘phone.

3 - Always Get a Physical Boarding Pass For Any Connection

Again on-device boarding passes are great but when you have a connection ahead of you having that official printed out boarding pass for the next flight is an added comfort. You also never know what will happen to your ‘phone on that first flight.

4 - Always Carry A Notebook, Pen, Business Card

So obvious and yet so many people don’t. That notebook is essential for capturing thoughts and when your mind is freer at 35,000 feet you can write things down without succumbing to your ‘phone or iPad. As for the business card you never know who you are going to meet on your journey.

5 - Always Carry An Analogue Distraction

We all catch up with boxsets and films but you need something for when technology fails, the equipment is switched off or just to kill time during delays. Pack books, gather magazines and newspapers.

6 - Always Have The Essential Item For Your Arrival Climate

You may be leaving the rain behind but always be ready for your arrival - it seems obvious or it’s tempting to say you’ll deal with whatever hits you but it’s never fun. Sunglasses are fine but it’s the winter wear that you don’t want in the bottom of your checked bag when you need it most.

7 - Always Have A Photograph Of Your Passport

Not just in case you lose your passport but usually your ‘phone is in your lap and your passport is in the overhead bin when it’s time to fill out the landing card. Also use your ‘phone to take a photograph of your hotel room door number, key landmarks, anything valuable that you buy on your trip and also your receipts.

8 - Always Carry A Power Bank

Not only should you not rely on USB charging points being everywhere you should NEVER use them. More and more they are being used as an effective way of introducing a virus into your ‘phone and allowing hackers access. That USB point looks tempting embedded into the table of the airport bar but what lies behind it. Best use a mains point to charge your power back and take power from that. But always carry enough power in your ‘phone and in the power banks you carry to get you all the way to your final destination. Oh, and pack a spare lead.

9 - Always Invest In A Calling & Data Plan

Domestic mobile calling and data plans have never been more portable but they have weaknesses. The daily fee can add up, they are frequently ‘throttled’ with slower data speeds and lower prioritisation no matter how many coverage bars the phone displays and the minute you go to a more exotic location you are off plan and on the hook for large roaming bills.

Only you don’t do that you either compromise your ability to use your device or you succumb to using random WiFi. And, before I get to my solution, you should never use WiFi services when you are out and about. It’s incredibly easy for a hacker to establish one which absolutely mirrors the official one and then take away key information before you get onboard a plane. I’ve been lucky enough to work with Pond Mobile and use their ‘VIP plan’ which means I can have 24/7 secure connectivity all over the world. Don’t look at the cost, look at the value.

10 - Always Carry A White Handkerchief

This seems so ‘old-school’ but it’s the easiest ‘tool’ to have in your pocket. A fresh cotton handkerchief can mop up spills, be used as a temporary bandage, used to hold something hot or dirty and yes, used to blow your nose. There is also nothing more satisfying than coming to someone’s assistance with one. So pack spares.

And a bonus 11

When flying scheduled short-haul always go for first and last flights of the day. Firstly it means you’re not wasting time during the day but really it is because the first flight nearly always departs on time and, guess what, the last flight of the day is the first flight of the next day wherever it is heading and that means it has to go. Simple really.

About The Author

The author is a brand consultant and founder of Mission Critical, a highly focused and curated weekly briefing for time poor and information hungry decision makers and THE FIRST, a monthly briefing containing 31 inspirational insights.

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