

Coffee Shop. Meeting Stop.

Coffee Shop. Meeting Stop.

A couple of times over the last few weeks I’ve been reminded of my strong views on people who conduct sensitive business in very public areas aka coffe shops (Starbucks, Pret, Costa, Nero...) I’ve witnessed;

  • a performance appraisal

  • a disciplinary fact-finding

  • a job interview

  • a business pitch

Beyond the fact I clearly drink a lot of coffee let’s focus on why this behavior is just not acceptable.

  • it doesn’t frame the discussion in a professional way, neither party is in the correct ‘zone’

  • it does not allow focus on the topic because of the constant chatter and bustle around

  • it does not lend itself to a confidential or sensitive conversation. Although this aspect is usually ignored by at least one of the parties and, because of the high ambient noise, everyone in a 10 feet radius can hear all the details

  • it is overly public and there is not an easy way for either party to end the conversation and walk away calmly if need be (have you tried to extricate yourself at speed from a jammed Starbucks ?).

It really needn’t be this way. Let’s stick to UK pricing for the moment. A couple of cappuccinos will cost you almost £7. Now think of coffee in a hotel lounge, including service perhaps £14.

Double the cost but what about the value of having a much better meeting.

  • it’s a destination in itself, with decent washrooms you can freshen up ahead of the meeting, or retreat to if it all goes horribly wrong

  • it’s professional AND you get to pick the hotel that matches the vibe of the meeting you are having and which helps to communicate who you are (the host)

  • lower noise levels, no need to shout and no distractions

  • less people density so it’s discrete

  • you get to spend more time without the pressure of tourists wanting to eat their lunch at the table you are hogging.

It’s really not a difficult decision. But then some people have no judgement and that’s where you can help - if you are the other party to a coffee shop invitation just suggest somewhere better. Okay you might have to then buy the coffee but you’ll both have a better and more memorable meeting. If that fails and you are in an unsuitable environment just take a look around, sigh and suggest you move the meetings somewhere else.

If a meeting is worth having its worth having well.

About The Author

Mark Izatt is a brand consultant living in London and founder of Mission Critical, a highly focused and curated weekly briefing for time poor and information hungry decision makers and THE FIRST, a monthly briefing containing 31 inspirational insights. Mission Critical is a digital product delivered via his Estonian Consultancy business.

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