

Absence Makes The Responses Stronger

Absence Makes The Responses Stronger

This week I had an email exchange with a fellow board member of a voluntary organisation we both belong to. He’s recently moved overseas for business but still remains involved and committed.

We had both responded to a wider email and then had a subsequent conversation. In it he indicated his concern that he felt he was not involved enough and he worried about staying relevant.

He was wrong on both counts but it got me thinking about my experience of living overseas and all of the people who I interact with who are physically ‘removed’ from their areas of additional focus.

And guess what ?

Every single one of them communicates faster and more throughly than those “closest to the action”. They read everything, ask the most pertinent questions, have a great understand of the wider topic, actually make more effort to participate in meetings remotely than people who are closest but can’t attend. And lastly follow up with people to keep the connection going.

Now one underlying explanation for all of this could be that people who do go overseas for extended periods are just wired that way to begin with. But I would like to think that the “expat” experience quickly establishes a need to counter the physical distance.

Putting in place protocols to ensure relevancy and presence no matter where you are. It’s a twist on ‘if you want something done give the task to a busy person’. You now have two geographic centers. Where you are and where you were so you need to work at maintaining contact and interest.

In the case of my colleague he’s nailed it and it’s a reminder that when someone moves they can still remain part of your mission.

Absence really does make the responses stronger.

About The Author

Mark Izatt is a brand consultant living in London and founder of Mission Critical, a highly focused and curated weekly briefing for time poor and information hungry decision makers and THE FIRST, a monthly briefing containing 31 inspirational insights. Mission Critical is a digital product delivered via his Estonian Consultancy business.

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